Anthropocene #2

8 images Created 25 Mar 2024

The global cheetah population has plummeted over the last 100 years. In the early 1900s an estimated 100 000 roamed the earth. Now there are only 7,500, a decline of more than 90%.
 This decline has been caused by the loss and fragmentation of their natural habitats, a decline in their prey base, the illegal trade in wildlife and conflict with humans for space.

The biggest threat to elephants is the loss of their habitat and the resulting human-elephant conflict.
They are also facing a survival challenge with the illegal wildlife trade, especially ivory, which has led to enormous numbers of elephants being killed in recent years.
Since 2007 it is believed that 25 percent of elephants alive at that time have since been killed for their ivory.

Over just the past 30 years the population of these giraffes has declined by approximately 50%, from 36,000 to only 15,950 today.
As a result of this decline, Reticulated giraffe were added to the IUCN Red List and listed as Endangered in 2018.Their biggest danger is mankind:
Giraffe are relatively easy to kill with a bullet or a snare and yield a lot of meat. there is a growing belief that giraffe body parts can cure HIV/AIDS and all this has spurned an increase in illegal hunting.
Former open spaces for giraffe are disappearing or fragmenting because of development, land-use switches to agriculture, and/or are uninhabitable due to over-grazing.
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